Many infants need your help
The Mountain West Mothers' Milk Bank believes in a world where all infants have access to human milk through support of breastfeeding and use of pasteurized donor human milk.
Our Mission
The mission of Mountain West Mothers’ Milk Bank is to promote infant health and nutrition by screening, processing, and dispensing donor human milk, in addition to advocating for and promoting lactation and breastfeeding.
Her Story…
With my first child I decided to donate milk because my freezer was filled top to bottom with milk and I needed to make some room. When I got pregnant with my second I knew I would probably have to do the same thing again. Then I went into preterm labor. I was taken by ambulance to a hospital two hours away from home, where I gave birth 5 weeks and 1 day early to my little 5 pound, 1 ounce preemie girl. The whole experience is a blur, but I very clearly remember signing a paper giving permission for my baby to have donor milk and thinking about all the milk I had donated. The next day I watched the nurses wheel a baby born at 25 weeks into the room next door to begin their long NICU journey, and found out the baby on the other side of us had been there for over 70 days. It was then I decided to set my goal to donate 1,000 ounces of milk, which I reached in 14 weeks!”
—Alex Carleton