Support these little ones
This organization, as a non-profit, recognizes the value of breast milk and the time and energy it takes to donate milk.
As a non-profit, we rely on charitable donations and contributions to achieve our goals of proving human milk for those babies in greatest need. For-profit companies and businesses have specific goals and objectives to make money; non-profit milk banks will not make money from donated breast milk.
- The only beneficiaries of milk donated to a non-profit milk bank are the babies.
- There are no Shareholders profiting from your donation.
- The only charges associated with the milk are to cover processing and shipping fees.
The Mountain West Mothers’ Milk Bank is a member of the Human Milk Banking Association of North America (HMBANA) and complies with its strict guidelines for the establishment and operation of a donor human milk bank. The guidelines meet all national health requirements.
You can also mail checks to:
Mountain West Mothers’ Milk Bank
2995 S West Temple
Suite C
Salt Lake City, Utah 84115